Thursday, 1 January 2015

What Are Exceptions?

An exception is an divergence from  an Application's routine or normal behavior, for example, app. try to open a nonexistent file and want to connect a unavailable remote PC.As we know the normal behavior of these tasks is that file is opened successfully and remote pc is connected perfectly.

Above mentioned Examples can not prevented but a workaround is possible,Simply provide code to detect that file is exist or not before doing any other operation on it(its make no sense to work on non existent entity)

Exceptions may occur due to poorly written code,i.e, a method may try to access nonexistent element this cause occur due to poor coded to access Array. This kind of exceptions can be prevented by correcting the code.

An Exception might occur and can not prevented  and there is no workaround for such Exceptions. for example,virtual machine in Java runs out of memory or it could not find a particular class file. This is exception is kind of ERROR. This must be corrected otherwise app. have to be terminate.

Error Code

Error codes are one of the ways to represent error in source code. For example, a method can return true on successful execution or return false on failure.Many developers used error codes method to handle exception.

if(//file exist)
// all code
//show msg to user that file is not found

in above example else part demonstrate Error Code.

Error codes is easy to ignore and many developers ignore it,for example, A programmer may ignore false return value that file does not exist but proceed to work on it! nonsense.
Thats Why Object Code new approach to handle exceptions developed

Object Code

This approach is Object Based. an Object is created when exception is thrown, this object includes information about what error led to exceptions.This detail is latter used to provide workaround.
Error codes are less useful then Objects.For example, Error codes return false or an non-zero integer on failure but what is meant by false? or integer? but object is more useful for providing Workaround for exception thrown.Error codes can't provide detail description about exception.

BlackPhone Secured User's Data!

In all over the world,different  secret agencies steal users private data from customers Smartphones, So Black Phone Company Made a cell Phone which gave priority to customer privacy,Now data will be saved i.e Agencies can't get into Smartphones inner details.This Mobile is Developed in against action of Americon Ani't Snuden Company Who Stolen out customers Data!

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Elite(Video Game) Has Been Realsed Again

Eilte Video game has been released again with new technology support and Graphics. It was first 3D graphics game  released in 1984.
People gave funds for the preparation of Elite,Online. This shows the support and demand for the game in new generation. Its first version released in 1984 was not sophisticated but wast 1st 3D graphic game in that time, Now it is released in public with more attractive and  latest technology support.